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Brett and I love everything Polaroid, and it was no exception when I came across this fun little Brooch on Etsy.  I love the attention to detail on this piece from the little reflection in the view finder to the classic rainbow strip down the front.  I also love that Etsy allows talented artists to get their work seen by the people that will love it, appreciate it and purchase it.  Check out more of Candidate’s Etsy Store,  she has other really neat camera art.

this image is thanks to Candidate's Etsy Store

For the Hipstamatic Lovers out there we didn’t want you to miss out on this fun free Lens pack!  March 11-20 Hipstamatic is offering the SXSW pack for FREE!  I just downloaded it and it’s a blast to play with!  Here’s the link and instructions on how to get your SXSW.

Here is a find for those of us that like free stuff, ok well lest face it that’s all of us. Something i get a kick out of is the fact that as a kid Brett loved reading books while I on the other hand just wanted to play with ponies. Now I’m the one that steals away any chance i get for an extra 5 minutes of reading, and Brett just wants to play with cars. Oh how we change. I used to be a diehard traditionalists and vowed never to get a Kindle. Um yeah well the ipad sorta corrupted me and I totally love reading books on these newfangled devices. I still love the way books feel in my hands and still own a lot of them, but for the digital device readers out there I stumbled across this fantastic blog with references to lots of Amazon’s free book offers. The blog’s called Free Kindle Books And Tips I’ve found a bunch of great ebooks from this bloggers posts and recommendations.

Ok so I lOVE straws!  I am one of those people that totally has a jar at home full of colorful straws, and I am always offering our guests a straw with their water.  I’m a big fan of ice cold beverages but hate when the ice actually gets in the way of my beverage.  Brett is totally the opposite he never uses a straw and frequently finds ways to play with them if one comes in his drink.  A friend this week was looking for the classic red and white straws and I found this amazing company that sells eco- friendly straws!  Super cute too! I really want to order some of the polka dot straws.  Check them out if your ever in the market for straws.  Oh and they have super cute party decorations too!

Green Party Goods