Yearly Archives: 2012

So I discovered recently that Brett has a slight addiction to  I arrived home the other day to find this cute little box sitting on our kitchen counter, his most recent purchase, the evivo baby shrimp ecosystem.  I inspected it carefully and noticed the lettering on the side “Shrimp Not Included”.  Now how are we supposed to create a baby shrimp ecosystem without the shrimp?  That’s when Brett clarified for me that the shrimp were in the styrofoam box. We followed all instructions carefully.  It successfully went together in about 20 minutes and now the debate is wether our ecosystem will live at the office or on my desk.  For now they are hanging out in our living room getting some indirect sun.

Now for those of us (myself included) that went the whole baby sea monkey route as kids I have to tell you that this is way better!  I was never particularly successful at growing sea monkeys.  The picture on the box made the sea monkeys look so cool and all I ever saw were specks floating around in the water.

Ok, so does he not look like a little kid putting together a science experiment?

Our 4 baby shrimp are in there!

It’s not really that many ingredients for an ecosystem…. I mean where is the little mini castle? or the scuba guy?

Four little lives depend on the placement of that sticker!!!!

A mad scientist hard at work.

Um seriously I don’t see a castle in there!

Ok shrimp time for your new home!

I don’t think I’d be to stoked if my world got turned upside down like that.  However they all survived the upheaval and seemed happy with their new home.  I guess it is a few steps up from the plastic cup with a sponge they were living in.

You’r witnessing the deep concentration it takes when creating ecosystems.

And there you go, One ecosystem.  Now we just have to 180 their little world once a month and crack the lid for 3 seconds to replace their air.