Gracie Rae

We had such a great time hanging out with Gracie Rae and her dad Rick at Regi’s Ranch.  Rick asked us out to take come pictures of them, so when we got there Gracie was all ready to go looking like the perfect little cowgirl in her Wranglers, pink cowgirl shirt and matching John Deer boots.  Gracie showed us her sweet little pony, and she did such a great job of leading him around.  Rick was so glad we came out and took pictures of Gracie when we did, because  a couple weeks later (as most girls do at some point or another) Gracie took a pair of scissors to her hair while no-one was looking.  Now she has a cute little bob that totally suits her.

Gracie was such a goof ball, constantly making silly faces for the camera.


The barn cat kept sneaking in on our shots


She was so excited by all the pictures, that we let her loose to take some of her own.


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